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Mobil SHC Aware™ H Series lubricants are high performance, anti-wear hydraulic oils for modern high pressure hydraulic systems that meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) guidelines for "environmentally acceptable lubricants". They provide excellent wide temperature range performance above and beyond the capabilities of non-synthetic environmentally acceptable oils. Mobil SHC Aware H Series oils are specially formulated from ester base stocks and provide exceptional anti-wear and film strength characteristics necessary for hydraulic systems operating under high load and high pressures.
Denison HF-1 |
Denison HF-2 |
Denison HF-6 |
Eaton Brochure No. 03-401-2010, Rev 1 |
US EPA VGP:2013 |
FINCANTIERI HEES Oil for Stabilizer |
FINCANTIERI HEES Oil for Thrusters |
+49 561 402794
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